Past Event
2017 Reverse Raffle
Friday September 1st, 2017
The Wendell Historical Society raised more than $12,500 for the proposed Wendell museum at its second annual reverse raffle Sept. 21 at the Wendell Community Center. For the second year, the event was a sellout, bringing total museum funds to almost $30,000. In addition, Modern Woodmen of America’s Greg McNeely was on hand at the raffle to present the society with a matching grant for $500.
The final 10 ticket holders elected to split the $10,000 grand prize. Cee Todd held the final ticket drawn, winning an additional $500. Other winners were:
- Allison Buus
- Dene Castleberry
- Joe Deloach
- Susan “Bootsie” Harris
- Steve Hicks
- Jon Lutz
- Barry Vinson
- Jody Tarnaski
- Pam Williams