Past Event

Marshburn Family History

Marshburn Family History

Wendell Historical Society presents The Marshburn Family History.

Dr. Amanda Marshburn Allen will share the history of the Marshburn Family in Wendell, which dates back to 1797 when Daniel Marshburn moved to Wake County after fighting for America’s freedom in the Revolutionary War. The family has served the local community throughout the generations with work in agriculture, law enforcement, church establishment, education, and medicine.  Along with Marshburn family history, some local history, land tracing, and connections to other local Wendel families will be shared.

Join Wendell Historical Society on Thursday, October 17th at 7:00 p.m. at the Wendell Baptist Church small fellowship hall located at 3651 Wendell Boulevard, Wendell NC.  The meeting is open to everyone.  You do not have to be a member of the Wendell Historical Society to attend